Friday, September 12, 2008

Evan's BIG 16

September 2008 marks a big leap for Evan as he turned 16 months. There are countless of firsts and new milestones. Evan knows so much now, which makes me feel as if he has grown up. When mommy says it is time to go out, Evan is the first to get his pair of shoes and bring them over to show me he is trying to wear them on. This is the same with clothing. Legs go in pants, and head and hands go in shirts. September also marks some new milestones for Evan. The most lovable is kissing mommy and daddy. Evan knows how to open the door now, but he is only tall enough to reach it by standing on his toes. Most of the words I address to Evan, he knows what I am referring to, like to find something, or get a book to read, to upstairs, .... He also knows how to communicate with us through signs and demonstrations. Evan uses a toy bowl and a scoop and he tried to feed himself, to show mommy and daddy that he wanted to feed himself instead of being fed. No longer does he need mommy for everything. He is eager to do them on his own. He even decided to walk down the stairs instead of going down backward. I misses him as a baby, but at the same time, it feels so wonderful to see him growing up.

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