Saturday, February 7, 2009

smell like cici, eat like cici, drink like cici, walk like cici

It has come to the time where Evan is curious about the way all things Cici does. I have heard stories of kids attempting to eat dog food, but I didn't anticipate that it would be so soon for Evan. One day last week while I was taking Cici and Evan out for a walk, I noticed that Evan knelled down like Cici and smelled the spot of grass that Cici just smelled. I thought it was cute until that same night I was busy cleaning dishes and not watching him for several minutes. I heard a noise and went to find him standing on two hand and two legs eating Cici's left over rice and drinking the water bowl. His face had some rice and his shirt was all wet right in front of Cici's tray. I now know he is onto mission, but it didn't end there. Yesterday, he was getting Cici's chicken jerky and tried to bite on it. He just have to taste it. Later, we found a dog treat in Evan's mouth. I think Evan knew those are for dogs and he never attempted it again later, but he just had to know what it is like to be Cici.

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